Calibrating For The Future – ADAS Technology Zone To Feature At Auto Aftermarket Expo
The already impressive range of in-depth, technical training sessions at the upcoming Auto Aftermarket Expo has been extended, with the new ‘ADAS Technology Zone’ set to put the spotlight on Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and the critically important skill of ADAS calibration.
Co-located with the Collision Repair Expo, the free to attend Auto Aftermarket Expo, proudly sponsored by Repco, represents the nation’s only comprehensive exhibition for Australia’s automotive repair and service industry. Presented by the Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association (AAAA), the expos will be held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre across April 11-13.
The exciting new ADAS Technology Zone is being created by the AAAA in conjunction with ADAS technology experts from ADAS Solutions Australia.
The zone will feature dedicated seating and a stage, which will showcase the latest ADAS equipment and calibration techniques from a variety of suppliers. The zone will provide ADAS calibration demonstrations, training and specialist advice focused on best practice. The zone is tailored specifically for automotive repairers, collision repairers, and those working in vehicle modification.
“A valuable new feature at the Expos, the ADAS Technology Zone will address the important questions repairers and modifiers have about incorporating ADAS calibration into their service offering, either in-house or outsourced to a business partner, and the business implications of both options,” said Tiffany Conway, AAAA Director of Membership, Marketing and Events.
“This Zone will be the most comprehensive opportunity for attendees to get-up-close-and-personal with ADAS equipment, learn what’s best for their business, and get all the answers they need from ADAS industry experts.
“The AAAA is very proud to be partnering with ADAS Solutions Australia to bring this vitally important subject matter to life. Together, we will provide attendees with equipment demonstrations, peer networking opportunities, and access to ADAS calibration experts, to help attendees to better understand and navigate the complexities of ADAS calibration,” said Tiffany.
ADAS Solutions Australia are industry leaders in ADAS technology, equipment, and training; utilising a variety of ADAS equipment to educate and also provide calibration services.
“Almost every passenger vehicle sold in Australia today has some form of ADAS,” ADAS Solutions Australia Director, Adrian Parkes, said.
“As such, it is vitally important that the automotive and collision repair industry understands the systems and components commonly used by manufacturers, and what these systems and components are designed to do, as well as the repair requirements and processes of the ADAS’ commonly found on passenger vehicles today.
“Covering ADAS fundamentals, components, calibration and providing live demonstrations with ADAS technicians, we will provide attendees with the chance to improve their knowledge base, ask questions and discuss real world issues and scenarios they face in the industry,” said Adrian.
Like the recently announced Expo Electrified Zone, the ADAS Technology Zone builds on the work accomplished by the 2022 Expos’ Workshop of the Future concept, by providing a dedicated space which focuses on this rapidly growing segment of the market.
The Auto Aftermarket Expo is packed with additional training opportunities, including a comprehensive Business Education Program, and an exclusive Technical Training Program with leading international diagnostics experts Diagnose Dan and Sean Tipping.
The combined expos will also feature more than 400 leading Australian and international brands showcasing the latest equipment, technology, parts, and accessories, a huge networking event, vehicle display area, celebrity appearances and competitions, all adding to an unmissable three-day industry experience.
To access the ADAS Technology Zone and all the free-to-attend Auto Aftermarket Expo has to offer, please visit www.autoaftermarketexpo.com.au to register.
The Auto Aftermarket Expo will take place 11 – 13 April, 2024 at the Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre.