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THU 10am - 5pm | FRI 10am - 6pm | SAT 10am - 4pm
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
4.15pm – 5.00pm
Free Trade Registration
Presented by:
Rachael Evans | Workshop Whisperer
Thursday 7th April
3.30pm – 4.15pm
Presented by:
Rachael Evans | Workshop Whisperer
Presented by:
David Fraser | Capricorn
Adam Pay | mycar
Lesley Yates | AAAA
James Voortman | AADA
Saturday 9th April
10.15am – 11.00am
Saturday 9th April
11.15am – 12.00pm
Saturday 9th April
12.30pm – 1.30pm
Stuart Charity | AAAA
Craig Ondarchie | MP
Gavin Cribb | Kangan Institute
Mike Carnemolla | The Garage Network
Saturday 9th April
2.00pm – 2.45pm
Session 1:
Friday 8th April
12.15pm – 12.45pm
Session 2:
Saturday 9th April
2.00pm – 2.30pm
Presented by:
Donny Seyfer | NASTF
Lesley Yates is Director of Government Relations and Advocacy for the Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association. Lesley manages AAAA advocacy campaigns, designing creative and innovative solutions to address the greatest challenges facing our industry and then lobbying and encouraging the government to make the right decisions to support our industry. In 2021, after a decade of AAAA campaigning for fair and open competition, the new motor vehicle repair law was passed in the Australian Parliament. This legislation is the result of a tireless and persistent grassroots campaign by the AAAA. Lesley is now tackling our ongoing substantial industry challenges, including the workforce shortage crisis and government vehicle modification regulations.
Luke Truskinger is the Managing Director of the Auto Innovation Centre (AIC), a new and exciting facility in Melbourne founded by the Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association. The AIC supports automotive product development companies by providing access to advanced tools, equipment, vehicles, and technologies, as well as testing and 3D scanning and printing services. With 20 years of experience in the automotive industry across OEM and aftermarket, Luke is a passionate engineer and vehicle modifier.